• CVNTV Network Television

    覆盖39个国家和地区的中国文化传播使者The messenger of Chinese culture covers over 39 countries and regions

  • 中国文化视窗坚持“内容为王、形式创新”的理念,努力为人民提供昂扬向上、怡养情怀的精神食粮,讲好中国故事,传播好中国声音,更好地塑造国家形象。

    CCNTV insisted on “content is king”,provide an enterprising spirit pabulum for people,telling the legend of China, spreading Chinese voices,shaping the national image.

Fang Fei, art director and conductor of the American Asian Symphony Orchestra: I wish you good health, prosperity and prosperity of the motherland. We'll see you at the North American Spring Festival carnival

责编:张琪 制片:樊莹 运营:王瑞 后期:何建平